
I didn’t blog while on a family vacation, and now that it’s my first work-day in over three weeks, I’m not sure where to start. I’m in a mood to tie up loose ends, cross things off my to-do list, and simplify. The Wisdom to Know the Difference is coming out in paperback in less [...]

2019-01-29T17:55:47+00:00July 5th, 2010|Writing|

Work and Money

I have two schools of thought when it comes to work and money. One is that I am called to do certain work and how much money I make at it is irrelevant. I don’t buy the belief that our value equals our net worth. I don’t buy the belief that well-paid work is inherently [...]

2019-01-29T17:55:47+00:00June 18th, 2010|Writing|

New Community Building Tools

A few nights ago, I joined a group of Friends interested in learning how teleseminars and webinars could aid their work. First, Sarah O’Doherty showed us the kind of online classes she offers in her healing practice. Then, Ginny Christensen shared how Friends Council on Education is bringing those involved with Quaker schools together from all over the country [...]

2019-01-29T17:55:49+00:00November 20th, 2009|Climate Change, Writing|

10 Etiquette Queries for Social Networkers

Quakers have a practice of writing questions (called queries) designed to prompt self-reflection. Since I have been reflecting on my own attempts to publicize a book using social networking (and have been getting annoyed with other people’s attempts to publicize their stuff on these same networks), I offer these 10 queries to all of us. [...]

2019-01-29T17:55:49+00:00November 10th, 2009|Writing|

Gender and Spiritual Writing

Last night I had my first book signing, with a lovely, intimate audience of women. One remarked on their gender at the end and asked if I thought it was a coincidence. I didn’t, though I wasn’t quite sure how to explain it, either. Several were from the same book group, and book groups tend [...]

2019-01-29T17:55:50+00:00September 25th, 2009|Writing|

If You Love a Writer

After ten years of writing around my children’s schedules, I have a book coming out soon, and friends have been asking what they can do to support me. I’ve been touched by their offers and yet reticent to ask too much, especially of busy people in a tough economy. At the same time, the online [...]

2019-01-29T17:55:51+00:00July 24th, 2009|Writing|

Daring Books

I have two brand new books to plug. The first is Who's Your Mama?: The Unsung Voices of Women and Mothers As the press release describes, it is a book of “Narratives by a racially and economically diverse group of women, who broaden the traditional notion of motherhood in the United States by discussing their [...]

2019-01-29T17:55:54+00:00March 26th, 2009|Racism, Writing|

Fit for Freedom

When I was in my twenties, looking for a spiritual home, one of the things that attracted me to the Religious Society of Friends was its history of peace and social justice work. Quakers advocated the abolition of slavery, worked on the Underground Railroad, and supported women’s right to vote. Coming from secular activists circles, [...]

2015-03-12T14:04:44+00:00February 14th, 2009|Racism, Spirituality, Writing|

The Writing Diet

The other day in the library, a title caught my eye The Writing Diet by Julia Cameron. Those of you who read my pamphlet on parenting may remember that I have a conflicted relationship with Cameron’s work. I appreciated much of her bestseller The Artist's Way, but felt that her put-your-creativity-above-everything-else message did not jive [...]

2019-01-29T17:55:56+00:00October 14th, 2008|Writing|


As someone who writes about spirituality, I often find myself telling a story that involves someone else, either because they did or said something illustrative or because my own experience was shaped by them. There are times when I choose not to tell stories that would be funny or interesting because I think to do [...]

2019-01-29T17:55:57+00:00June 13th, 2008|Spirituality, Writing|
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