Needing Clearness

I’m going to be totally self-indulgent here and go on about my own dilemmas for a bit. I’m at a crossroads with my writing, and I need to figure out which path to take. In such situations, Quakers often form what’s called a “clearness committee,” a small group of good listeners who sit and listen [...]

2019-01-29T17:56:16+00:00March 16th, 2006|Racism, Spirituality, Writing|

Writing Moms

Anyone interested in exploring first-person writing about motherhood might be interested in what my friends Miriam Peskowitz and Andi Buchanan are up to. They got a nice article in the Philadelphia Inquirer the other day about their MotherTalk gathering. You can link to it from either of their blogs.

2019-01-29T17:56:17+00:00November 22nd, 2005|Writing|

Irish Humor

I usually blog about whatever is on my mind, and so far it hasn't been hard to come up with a subject approximately once per week. But this morning, knowing I would be getting my snippet of writing time for this week, I had a paralyzing thought: I should try to be more funny.I know [...]

2019-01-29T17:56:19+00:00August 3rd, 2005|Writing|
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