Quakers have a practice of writing questions (called queries) designed to prompt self-reflection. Since I have been reflecting on my own attempts to publicize a book using social networking (and have been getting annoyed with other people’s attempts to publicize their stuff on these same networks), I offer these 10 queries to all of us. I look forward to hearing your thoughts as well as any questions you want to add. Feel free to link to this post—especially if you think your Facebook and Twitter friends need to ask themselves these questions, too:

  1. Is it appropriate to invite someone to an event that is more than 100 miles from where they live?
  2. If you have three events in the same region within a month, should you invite everyone you know in the region to each event, so they can choose which is most convenient, or will people start de-friending you for clogging up their email?
  3. When someone never comes to any of your events, should you continue inviting them, on the assumption that none of your events have been convenient so far and this friend has been hoping for an event s/he can actually make, or should you assume they are not interested and just leave them alone in future?
  4. If someone keeps inviting you to events that you can never attend, how many times should you RSVP with a nice comment on their wall before you can totally ignore their invitations with impunity?
  5. Is it appropriate to ask someone to donate to your favorite cause for your birthday if you don’t know this person well enough to have ever given them an actual birthday gift? (Does it matter if you have a really, really good cause?)
  6. If you only post something once on Twitter, will anyone see it?
  7. How many times can you post something on Twitter without being obnoxious?
  8. Are the rules different for Facebook (where I actually know and like the great majority of my friends), as opposed to Twitter, where I don’t know most of the people who follow me?
  9. If I am friends with someone on Facebook and following them on Twitter, is it over the top to connect on LinkedIn and Goodreads, too?
  10. If you can’t remember meeting someone, but you have 23 friends in common, should you go ahead and accept their friend request on the theory that you probably have met them and just can’t remember because your brain is so overloaded with social media passwords?